Recycling of fluorescent lamps

MB RecyclingRecycling of fluorescent lamps
Fluorescent lamps are treated in our MAYA VICTORY plant in Bogumiłów.
The Photon 4000 S, a modular system that performs the first phase of fluorescent lamp reprocessing by mechanically separating the phosphor from the glass and aluminium tips with electrodes, is utilized for this purpose. The uniqueness of this system comes from the dry process used to recover elemental mercury (it does not generate any sludge, and the only media are electricity, compressed air, and industrial gases, such as nitrogen and oxygen from cylinders). All fluorescent lamps can be treated safely using this system. This process creates ready-made recyclables: glass, metals, plastics, mercury, and calcium halophosphate. Due to the large volume of used light bulbs, we can recycle around 1,000 kg of fluorescent lamps in a single shift (8 hours).
The Photon 4000 S is manufactured by the Swedish company MRT System AB. The best MRT Technology currently available, which is widely regarded, giving it a monopoly on the global market. The machine is manufactured in conformity with SS-EN 292-1.